With fingernails. Else, it hurts and smth like a fork, knife can be used
I’m a surgeon, I always use my fingers to open. Been eating canned tuna & sardines for so long, never injured my fingers.
im not a surgeon and i have also never shredded my hands on these. who is injuring themselves on pull tabs???
Some people have the manual dexterity of a trex trying to put on a condom
These things are easy to open, if you’re hurting yourself, you’re doing it wrong.
OP needs to hit the gym or something. I’ve always pulled them with my hand and never had a single issue.
The hell are you doing that shreds your fingers
Seems like it’s been a while since pull tabs in Australia didn’t want to rip off your fingernails when you try to use them to open a can.
Wish more people here understood people’s bodies are different including hands, I have trouble with these things too. Fucking hate them. I don’t use a spoon though, just whatever that works. Like wtf do they have to have them so tight and no room to actually get under them and when you do open then they have extremely sharp edges to slice you up. Make it more accessible ffs
Genuine question because this might be a design difference between your country and Germany, where I’m from: Can you not lift the tab a little bit with the skin of your finger and then just pull on it? Are they welded onto the can?
There extremely stiff like a lot. Also requires a lot of strength and dexterity, at least for me. It used to be like soda cans where I can just easily pull the tap like I can with them now but a lot of pull tab cans (that are not soda cans) are just really cheap and are hard to open. I’m in the US.
You’re right! I thought of the typical soda can and, as far as I remember, those tabs are lifted a little so you can get underneath even by just shoving your finger skin in. But just yesterday I tried opening a can of tuna and was surprised not only by how naturally I do the little lift with my finger nails but also by how very difficult it is to open when you don’t use your fingernails.