Boolshit like this is why I gotta remember to stock up on ammo well before the 2024 election.
LOTS of liberal sorts been buying guns. Women, POC and LGBT folks have been the largest gun buying demographic for a few years. They’ll be stocking up in case of a Trump win. I’m an old white guy, but I’ll be joining them.
And of course the conservative sorts will pull their usual freakout in case a Democrat wins. Even when it’s the same Democrat from the last 4-years. You would think they’d have learned after 8-years of Obama. LOL nope. Panicky little bitches.
Boolshit like this is why I gotta remember to stock up on ammo well before the 2024 election.
LOTS of liberal sorts been buying guns. Women, POC and LGBT folks have been the largest gun buying demographic for a few years. They’ll be stocking up in case of a Trump win. I’m an old white guy, but I’ll be joining them.
And of course the conservative sorts will pull their usual freakout in case a Democrat wins. Even when it’s the same Democrat from the last 4-years. You would think they’d have learned after 8-years of Obama. LOL nope. Panicky little bitches.