Thought I’d ask this because I want to discover more foods from across the world
(Also I shouldn’t have to say this to americans, please state where you are from and state where you are from without acronyms or shortened names because I’ve seen US Defaultism on lemmy and not all of us are going to know your acronyms considering we’re global users)
I’m not Australian, but I guess the ratio is at least 1:1
You start with “surely I need more than that” amounts of vegimite and “surely I dont need that much” amounts of butter and adjust inwards over time until you hit your preference.
You put butter with your vegimite, I’ve never really liked butter with vegimite personally and just have toast woth vegimite alone
It’s like spicy. If you aren’t from the country, take it easy.
For most foreigners, molecular-thin to start with.
The ratio is a thin layer + additional added to taste as per your preference