Not like, casual “Hi, how are you?” but seriously, how are you? Are you sleeping okay, is everything in your personal life going all right? And if not, can Internet strangers do anything to help?

    16 days ago

    Honestly, I’m worried about my job and how difficult it will be to get another if I get laid off (I work in Tech) due to business shenanigans and things out of my control. My mental health is at an all time low because of the anxiety; last month it was due to Trump and Elon’s attack on the integrity of US Govt Services, and before that the looming climate crisis. It’s affecting my sleep and recently I get slight headaches throughout the day. I’m so tired of feeling anxious all the time.

    I’m burnt out mentally; if I get laid off this year I’m just going to activate my NZ Working Holiday Visa (applied in advance in expectation of layoffs) and just chill.