It was a dashcam video, that didnt really show any gore, you could just see something (a brick?) flying through the windshield and hitting the person (the drivers wife?) in the passenger seat. I had seen gore videos before, but this one traumatised me forever. The gut wrenching drivers scream fucked me up and made me feel physically sick, I immediately knew it was 100% real. You could be the greatest actor of all time, but you’d never be able to copy that and I never watched these types of videos again.
Here’s my reverse ask: why are you asking if people remember something horrific? Don’t we have enough on our plates right now?
Probably because I still havent properly processed it and wanted to talk to people about it.
Yeah I remember it, and it also shocked me more than any gory vids I’d watched before. It’s been a long long time since I’ve been seeking that kind of content… I think this one was particularly heartbreaking just due to how seemingly random it was, one second you’re happily driving around not a care in the world and the next your loved one has been obliterated right next to you… And the screams, for sure…
I remember the driver being female, and i want to say it was her mother in the passenger seat that was hit. Yeah, i stopped using digg or whatever it was for a while after that…
I am probably misremembering a lot of it, it was like 10-15 years ago, so you might be right
A French horror youtuber (Feldup) talked about it, saying the same thing as you (do not search for it, do not watch it).
But from his description what I understood is:
Tap for spoiler
The passenger was the wife, the driver the dad and behind them were the kids that you can hear crying and dad telling them not to watch.
Anyway, don’t watch it. I stopped scrolling on /b the day I saw a woman getting killed. Looking for this kind of stuff is bad and makes people feel nothing when confronted with human misery and horror, that’s not a skill you want in life.
Ik op doesn’t want it but I need a link. Put it in a spoiler obviously to prevent someone accidentally clicking it.
Me, having seen beheadings and similar shit, (back then, I was young and dumb) and probably you after watching it: “Why the fuck did I watch that?”
Edit: I also remember this video being talked about on reddit. People were told not to watch it and everyone who did regretted it.
I figure it can’t be worse than the kids with machetes