30% is “soso” but a 100% is only “Thank You”? In this case the 100% should be “Walk over to the other side of the register so the boss can blow You”.
I know tipping culture is extreme, but I’ve never seen 100%. I don’t think this is real.
I can’t find the original image, it’s just been reshared dozens of times on Xitter, Threads, Facebook and Reddit, but nobody is adding context or naming and shaming.
So yeah, probably just ragebait.
Would you like a legit source? I found it in 10 seconds of googling, btw.
I reverse image searched on mobile to try find the origin / source of this specific image to see if it was legit.
I wasn’t excluding the possibility of some company in the world prompting for a 100% tip, hence why I didn’t spend 10 seconds googling for it.
Custom 0%
It ain’t my job to pay your employees salaries
Maybe it’s your job to avoid patronizing places that don’t pay their employees enough though?
I absolutely will pick the no-tips place given a choice, but I take issue with that wording. Basically every business pays as little as possible, by design.
Maybe the restaurants should pay their employees so customers don’t have to pay them? I know it’s a radical thought.
Especially because a lot of people in this thread seem to protest the tipping system by just not tipping. That only hurts the worker, y’all. It isn’t gonna change the system.
Part of the reason it shard to change the system is because of resistance from the waiters who make a lot of money from tips, so yes, not tipping does help change the system.
It would help as a mass coordinated action, which I’ve never even seen anyone bother to suggest. Maybe organize a no-tip day, maybe get some servers involved so it can really be about changing things for the better for them.
But I’ve never seen even an inch of that, which leads me to believe that what we have here is a bunch of people who don’t tip in order to save thrmselves a buck which, let’s face it, is the only thing they accomplish. They tell themselves it’s a gesture against an unjust system in order to salve their conscience (another totally selfish act).