Email, as far as im aware there isn’t some alternative email standard
(messaging services, whatsapp, signal, sms, etc do not count imo as I believe they serve a different purpose than email)
DNS, while there are alternative root servers, they still fundamentally rely on the dns protocol.
TCP/IP, when the internet was first starting, this was not the only standard in use, but now it is (to my knowledge).
I thought about this for longer than I should’ve for a comment on a random post, but this is all I could think of lol.
Email, as far as im aware there isn’t some alternative email standard (messaging services, whatsapp, signal, sms, etc do not count imo as I believe they serve a different purpose than email)
DNS, while there are alternative root servers, they still fundamentally rely on the dns protocol.
TCP/IP, when the internet was first starting, this was not the only standard in use, but now it is (to my knowledge).
I thought about this for longer than I should’ve for a comment on a random post, but this is all I could think of lol.
edit: grammar
TCP/IP isnt the only standard in use even today. UDP/IP is the other big one and there’s a few smaller protocols hanging around like utp.
We also have I2P now.
TCP/IP is not the same as TCP, and UDP/IP doesn’t exist
Lol. Dont waste peoples time in the future thanks!
You’re saying I’m wrong?
Yes. UDP relies on the IP protocols just as TCP does.
as I said stop wasting peoples time. troll elsewhere.