workers had been disassembling the tower above him, and a dislodged section had fallen and sliced his left shoulder. He spent eight days in the hospital, where doctors removed his spleen and performed reconstructive surgery on his shoulder. He suffered a lung contusion, a hemothorax, and damage to his ribs, scapula, spine, and clavicle, medical records show. He said that it took months of physical therapy to regain use of his arm
Their justifications is that he was “technically in an area that he shouldn’t have been in” even though he and his supervisor both confirmed that they were never told not to be there and that they had zero signage or cones up to inform people of the danger.
I guess they expect their employees to have ESP and just know these things without having to tell any of them.
Jesus, sounds like gross negligence to me
And apparently he can’t sue because he took a payment from an insurance company of some sort. Sounds like a dumb Canada thing.
Their justifications is that he was “technically in an area that he shouldn’t have been in” even though he and his supervisor both confirmed that they were never told not to be there and that they had zero signage or cones up to inform people of the danger.
I guess they expect their employees to have ESP and just know these things without having to tell any of them.
My takeaway is that although this show is the most expensive reality show of all time, they are still negligently cutting corners