Trump was right about one thing, we are a nation in decline, but it’s not for the reasons he’s claiming.
Democracies grant immense power to the electorate. Including the power of suicide. Democratic systems are inherently capable of ending themselves because ultimately their survival depends on enough people believing in the system and holding the integrity of the system to be more important than any particular democratic outcome. That is lost in the US. Most voters don’t care.
That truth alone makes a decent argument for US being in decline. It will take a long time , but it’s beginning.
The US isn’t a democracy though, it is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, where every election we get to select which group of oppressors will wield state power against us until the next one.
Also decline is caused by anticolonial resistance and the logic of capitalism breaking down. I would suggest reading Lenin’s “imperialism” and Fanon’s “wretched of the earth”
The US isn’t a democracy though, it is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, where every election we get to select which group of oppressors will wield state power against us until the next one.
Yes that truly one of the opinions of all time.
They aren’t exceptional. They’re just like Russia.
Given that Russia has a competent government and isn’t on a verge of a civil war, not sure in what way America is like Russia.
You call competent a government that pulled the “special military operation” and led hundreds of thousands of its people into death for not much of anything? You must be trolling.
Yeah, I call a government that defeated NATO in Ukraine and manged to grow the economy despite the sanctions competent.
So not trolling, alright. Sounds to me like you consider them competent in what they did well while not subtracting what they didn’t. Let me contrast the Russian government with something that to me looks much more competent - the Chinese government.
China is indeed more competent, however we were comparing Russia to the US here. There’s is no metric by which you could say the US is better governed or more politically stable than Russia at the moment.
This argument is dependent on Putin being immortal.
Not sure what you mean by that. Putin doesn’t run Russia single handedly like he’s playing civ or something. Absolutely incredible that anybody could think that the entire Russian government hinges on Putin.