She’s a long sandwich???
She’s a sports player that waits on the bench for her turn
She’s an urban underground train.
My first thought was cold or hot, toasted or not?
She meant a sub sandwich I bet, common misunderstanding
"Oh, you’re a sub? How many Mark 48 530mm torpedoes can you carry? What’s your test depth? Do you like having seamen inside of you?
this is the correct direction that conversation should have evolved to
No thanks. I prefer dub.
The joke is appreciated, the preference disgusts me.
If you don’t speak Japanese, why would you watch anime in Japanese? Do you watch all films you do not know the original languages of with subtitles?
Maybe this will convince you: (Possible Squid Game Spoilers)
Also, another instance: in Dark (German TV Series), the English dub is horrible.
I listen to the original voice for the emotion and acting and also trying to decipher another language to compare it to languages I already know I sometimes notice interesting similarities between Japanese and Cantonese, for example. I read the Subtitles to know the meaning. Hearing a voice in your ownlanguage sounding like a boring monologue is just weird and ruins the experience.
The only exception would be news, then I’d just want to hear the meaning of the worfs, instead of reading it.
Assuming a dub is equally as well acted as a sub, would you still say the sub is better? I would argue no, neither is objectively better, but an English speaker watching a sub will lose a lot of the acting nuance unless they’re on some level familiar with how Japanese speakers emphasize and intone their speech.
Hearing it in your native tongue will, in general and in my opinion, help viewers connect with the story and characters more easily and potentially much better because you don’t need to study to intuitively understand characters just through tone.
Assuming a dub is equally as well acted as a sub, would you still say the sub is better?
See, the problem is, I never find a “dub” that’s preserves the emotions and the tone of the original. Something just feels “off”.
But I guess after watching the original, the dub would be a fun re-watch, just to see how much voice acting is different. And it can turn a sad story to a comedy. (Like I already mentioned: Squid Game is exactly that, thriller into a comedy)