(Solved) This will be used in CLI mode to do some tiny programming and text file note-taking. Having WiFi would be nice. The price has got to be CHEAP. ARM is ok.
OP decided to kill windows on the Timberborn machine and go with Debian.
Any model from any major brand made in the last 10 years off craigslist?
With that kind of spec I, don’t know what you’re expecting—anything that turns on will be able to do that.
The hard part is tiny: 10" diagonal screen and really cheap: like milk money cheap - - Perhaps a netbook would work, some of them were Linux based right?
Just use a phone?
For programming?!
Zoomers takes notes on their phones, bet they do programming as well
Nonsense. Doing anything beyond minimal scripting in any device other than a full-blown keyboard is painful.
So is taking notes, but still the phones are used for note taking
If you are unable to see the difference between occasionsl notes and full blown programming, this discussion is pointless.