I don’t want windows to disappear. I want it to admit defeat by slowly migrating towards a linux kernel.
That’s why I never understood the Apple hate. Granted, it’s overpriced for the experienced user and closed-source software, but it’s a far cry from Microsoft’s hold on the market.
We share a kernel for crying out loud. We’re practically cousins. Lol
Proprietary hardware, anti-consumer practices, idk I can keep going if you want
@disguy_ovahea we don’t really share a kernel, but we do share the lineage, so yeah, we are cousins. I hate Mac OS far less than I do Windows. My pet peeve about it is largely political, not technical.
@drq @disguy_ovahea @_carmin
Apple is responsible for turning khtml into gargantuan webkit whose compile times comprise the most of my Gentoo updates.Your mistake lies in using Gentoo