Nope. Any service that would ever do that is instantly a no-go. I’d stop using a smartphone before I’d put up with that.
I hope this idea is patented by a patent troll who has no intention of licensing it out for a reasonable cost…
Stop giving them ideas.
It was in Black Mirror years ago.
what’s black mirror?
a series about “technology bad” written by an eight year old
It’s a British TV anthology series similar to The Twilight Zone, but most of the episodes are about technologic dystopias
It’s what happens when you scorch glass without shattering it
That’s when I’d put my “smart” phone in the toaster and go dust off the Nokia 3310
“Detecting eyes not focused! Please focus.”
I would just stop using whatever the service is. For as long as I can that is. Not long before our new dictatorship might force us to watch ads for crucial services.
No ads, no masters.
There’s never been a worthwhile server with unskippable or unblockable ads.
This is exactly why I stopped watching Twitch. It was the only service I tolerated ads on. Until they hit a point where the frequency and number of ads were just unbearable and I haven’t opened the site since.
Why not just use an adblock?
Doesn’t work on Twitch; They embed the ads directly in the stream. If you block the ads, you also block the stream.
Oh, is that right? I basically only watch 1 channel and I’m subbed, so I guess I just never noticed… I tried to get an ad on Twitch for the past 30 minutes watching several streamers though and didn’t get a single one.
You can make a black screen to cover up the ads, you can’t skip it, but you can avoid seeing it.
Also, you can VPN to russia 😉
Thanks, putin
(for context: Russian IPs do not see ads because of sanctions)
Also, regulation.
For instance you’re not allowed to advertise alcohol in Finland. One time I saw someone else’s stream or something which made me realise I’ve never seen any beer ads online really.
I’ll quit using anything that does that.
It’s your government issued app, required to access services like hospitals and social security.
I’ll put a bomb in my underwear
You know we have toilets for that, right?
I’ll quite that government
Where you gonna go without your government issued passport?
Seriously? Seek political asylum eslewhere.
Not so seriously? Go SovCiv
That’s an immediate uninstall.
That’s not even an install. A non-camera/video chat/QR scan app demanding permanent (!) access to the camera is a big No no
relax, when the industry puts this into practice (not IF but WHEN) they will stick it very slowly in us until we get used to it and don’t even realize that we already accept it quietly without complaining
Unironically they’re basically already doing that by having ads longer than the skip button, as you trade off ignoring the ad for the full duration and paying attention when you’re intended video starts for paying attention waiting for the “Skip Ad” button.
Even just that short 5 seconds is enough for an ad to get embedded in your brain with enough repeated exposure.
Maybe it’s because I’m autistic but that has the opposite effect on me. If I see your ad enough to remember the product that just means I’m going to avoid that product like a fuckin plague.
You’re not immune to advertising and propaganda. Nobody is. Ads almost never work by directly making you think ‘i should buy this’. You’re even less immune to advertising and propaganda if you tell yourself you are, because that’ll make you less interested in working against it.
I’m definitely not immune but sometimes an ad is annoying enough I decide I’m done with that company for a few years at least.
“Please watch this 5-minute advertisment to uninstall the app. Don’t break eye contact.”
uninstall your OS
“Before you delete your OS, would you like to know about the hot singles in your area?”
That’s a good way to make some of us dedicate the energy to building and flashing custom firmware.
Banking apps that need the ads to authenticate you for some reason: “Nuh uh!”
Seriously, why the fuck do they depend on everything in your system to work? On my debloated Android there are like 20 different invasive packages that I can’t disable because they break my bank’s app.
Be sure to stock up on verification cans
Charge your phone ffs
In this economy?
The phone only draws a charge while you’re watching ads, so you’ll need to watch an hour per day to recharge.