Do you think it would be more difficult to block a military network accessing the Lockheed servers?
The stupidity and incompetence among decision makers and product managers is not to be underestimated. Neither is the impulsiveness of Trump.
Do you think it would be more difficult to block a military network accessing the Lockheed servers?
The stupidity and incompetence among decision makers and product managers is not to be underestimated. Neither is the impulsiveness of Trump.
They tend to be quite rambling for sure. It’s like he’s writing from the top of his head in spoken language. They’re usually not well edited and may contain typos etc. He’s quite a character. Interesting, sometimes embarrassing and quite often annoying. But his heart is in the right place.
His blog is the only one in Swedish with daily and detailed updates on Ukraine. That I know of at least.
I hope the Norwegians understand that everything in their fund which isn’t real capital within the Norwegian border, can be erased overnight if the global rules of yesterday don’t apply.
Norway needs to buy a whole lot of shit and ship it back home. Like factories, weapons and secret IP. I.e. transform their global financial capital into local real capital. And they need to do it ASAP.
And the Norwegians need to donate much more to Ukraine if they don’t want the value of their fund to implode. At least it will buy them more time to do the necessary transformation of capital.
Good luck!