I wonder what their answer is going to be for Dolby Atmos? I am sure they could think of a another protocol that is just as pointless for your standard TV sound sticks.
I wonder what their answer is going to be for Dolby Atmos? I am sure they could think of a another protocol that is just as pointless for your standard TV sound sticks.
I would be willing to use grams in this case. Final offer.
There has likely been an evolution of war dialers. It’s probably easier to blast through every possible number once a year, and sell a list of every valid number. Targeting specific area codes is probably faster and would avoid some legal problems.
After all my days on Reddit and Lemmy, I am still amused by how conversations about female sex robots can somehow morph into a heated discussion about grammar or definitions.
No, unfortunately. If I knew you and you were in Colorado, you would get some for free.
Conservative politicians always need someone or something different to blame for made up reasons. While the right has historically berated LGBT, they will bring one specific issue or group into focus as another “issue” becomes boring.
They identify something as problem, tell people that the root of all of their problems is that something. If I blame my issues on something else and then tell people I am their savior and the only person that can fix that problem, I could end up looking like a hero when I do absolutely nothing about it.
Also, stupid people in large groups are easy to manipulate. If one or two people start getting mad about something, the whole group will latch on to that emotion. A couple of key words or chants are of use too! If you have ever seen a trump rally, he just says a few key words to piss people off (Mexicans, immigrants, tans, libruls, etc…) and whatever else he says after that is irrelevant.
Most importantly, the targets of hate need to be vulnerable but portrayed as extremely evil.
If you browse through conservative media, notice they rarely reference anything about policy or improving the lives of people. If they do, it’s directly tied to blaming others for a problem. (Left media can be just as bad, but are nowhere near the machine of bigotry that right media is.)
I could go on for a while, but you should get the idea.
Edit: Oh, if you dehumanize and generalize a group (‘the jews’, ‘the gays’, 'the whatever’s), anything you say or do is not perceived internally as racism or bigotry: It’s ‘acting in the best interests of your country’.
While I have blocked all the conservative communities here, just read through their posts one or twice. Almost all of their articles are hate politics. Honestly, I have blocked almost all political news on Lemmy since most of it is just re-hashed emotional trigger subjects.
whether the world as we perceive it exists independently or not, we cannot escape this perception.
I have several jars of mushrooms stashed away that absolutely can help escape that perception and several layers of perception after that. (Philosophical on that, Seth, Edinburgh Scotland!)
Are you real? Is… is anything real??
To add on, it supports up to 20.1.10 and that is where the protocol may shine. However, full spacial sound is not new, and Atmos is just Sony’s proprietary version.
I stole the “sound stick” bit from Benn Jordans blunt overview on atmos: https://youtu.be/5Dw3aKbw5Wo
(Atmos is all caps as well? Meh, whatever.)