BlueSky is not owned by a non profit. First row.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
BlueSky is not owned by a non profit. First row.
This is misinformation. BlueSky is not a non profit. It is a public benefit company. The shareholders still expect profit.
Over or in addition to? I haven’t seen anyone say BlueSky over Mastodon.
Talk to John Oliver then.
Exactly, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Someone using BlueSky over Twitter is a good thing.
Don’t forget Margot Robbie
How the fuck do you bankrupt a casino?
This is such a goofy take. Yes, obviously you can never be 100% there isn’t some copy or archive laying somewhere, but wanting it to be deleted for 99% of the ways people would find it is reasonable. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
While AT Protocol is sort of federated in a sense, no one really runs aggregators (which serves half of the role an instance does in ActivityPub) besides BlueSky themselves, so they can still control it if they wanted to.
Also, “normal” for profit companies can also pretend to want to bring good to the world. It’s misinformation because public benefit companies are allowed to collect a profit (post says non profit).
I still believe BlueSky is world’s better than Twitter! But it’s important to be honest about it.