Oho…, my friend. He has a lot of skeletons in his closet… Just the fact that he’s supported by Wagner related mercenaries, the fact that he declared 0$ spend on his campaign etc. should be more than enough not to let him run for presidency, maybe imprison him. Compared with USA, Romania will not let an ruzzian asset to occupy such a sensitive position.
Sorry! Now I’ve seen it. I’ve post a Romanian article about this events with the translations as well. Cheers!
Why you guys post links to websites with paywall?
Finally… A little bit to late, but it was expected, knowing how the Romanian authorities work. We must not forget that was risky arresting him right after the elections, when the tension was high.
50% of the population is retarded and takes its “information” from TicTok and Facebook. They act emotional, not logical. Same as USA. I had conflicts with my family for voting CG.