I mean, if I had to choose between the chair, lethal injection, and a firing squad… I always thought they shot for the head though, so kinda surprising they go for the heart shot, though I suppose an open casket funeral is preferable. Heart would take longer for death, wouldn’t it?
Open casket funerals are kind of weird if you think about it anyway.
Firing squad would be my preferred choice, if they aim for the head. With a shotgun full of 00 buckshot. Or maybe by howitzer if that’s an option.
Although really I’d like to donate my body to science, let someone else get some good use out of it when I’m done.
Firing squad would be my preferred choice, if they aim for the head. With a shotgun full of 00 buckshot. Or maybe by howitzer if that’s an option.
I’d imagine getting shot by a squad of howitzers would make the whole world your open casket.
You may already know this, but if not, you should be aware that there is growing concern regarding the lack of oversight surrounding cadaver donations to science.