"I didn’t realize there were more than 2 lines to the poem.’
Imagine how little self-respect you’d have to have to be a woman and vote Republican.
Well surely it was never going to affect them. They are one of the good ones, it’s the others that need to be controlled. Why would they ever come for me if I am living a proper God fearing life?
Ok so
As a single WASP (ok well, I grew up protestant) male in my 30s, who has the confidence of an abandoned kitten, how exactly does this benefit me?
Like I feel like this is supposed to be about men like me getting more power over women. But I fail to see how that helps me at all.
All I can see is that they start here, remove voting rights next, then they remove the ability for women to be licensed to be doctors, or lawyers, dentists, etc. That’s gonna fuck my life up immensely.
Just so women can’t have a say? Why?
Conservative views on women are absolutely confusing. I know we have to abandon logic with them, but maybe that’s the part I don’t understand: how the fuck do I think without logic?
Conservatives believe hierarchies are natural and unavoidable. If you can push someone else down on the hierarchy then that will put you higher up on the hierarchy then you were before. Shrinking someone else’s piece of the pie leaves more pie available for you.
Leftists believe in making a bigger pie.
I’m not sure if the article covers it, still reading, but one of the things they want to do to disenfranchise transfoks is to require the the name on your birth certificate matches you’re legal name in order to vote.
As most married women don’t change their name on their birth certificate when they take their husbands last name, they would not be able to vote either.
Edit: The article does go into all of this.
Long term, this seems like an effective way to end that custom. What person would go into marriage changing their name when they know this attitude is at play?
It’s cute you think that’s not another right they’ll quickly take away from women as soon as they can.
Republicans destroy marriage with this one neat trick!
If they force women to change their names with marriage, women will simply stop getting married.
Oh you sweet summer child…
“We need Christian men leading the fight against abortion,” arguing that women’s suffrage was a mistake, and accusing Hawkins of emasculating her husband by being “busy jet-setting.”
This is only the first step. It will not stop until women are property.
If you don’t get married than your father will own you until he decides who you will marry.
Tis is gonna be one of the most delicious schadenfraude of all. They think they are safe, but soon enough they are going to discover how important is being a white straight able-bodied male for these fascists. And how unimportant they are outside of a bedroom or a kitchen.
You’re overestimating Republican women…
Ever hear one of those stories about a Military wife who believes Rank is sexual transmitted so she has all the authority of her husband?
That’s how they think.
It’s not that all women are lower than all men, it’s that the wife has the defacto “rank” as the their husband.
Obviously I’m not saying I agree with it, but that’s how they think and why they’re ok with this.
You have to think like them, they’re “property” so treating a man’s wife badly is like going up and pissing on his giant truck, the man will “handle” the offense. And the only way for a woman to gain social ranking is marrying a “powerful” man.
A frightening amount of woman think that’s a good system.
I’ve seen examples of this in real life. It is WEIRD
The county I grew up in voted 95% plus trump in the last three elections.
It was weird to run into anyone who didn’t think like that till I was over 18 and in college. Even then at a red state college, lots of women viewed themselves as status symbols. Their self worth was solely determined by the “best” guy that would date them.
Like, for large parts of America that’s still the norm. And no amount of “Yaaaas Queen” social media posts will change their thinking. It’s not even that they’re trapped and need saved, that’s the life they choose a lot of the time, you don’t have to grow up in it.
But everyone still acted shocked women were voting for trump.
If we dont understand why they’re doing it, we’ll never change their minds.