The reflection (scattering) of light can be seen on the picture they choose to make their point. Sure, the comment is correct that anything you can see scatters light otherwise you would not see it, but in the picture it is particular obvious where the light source is from the reflection on the rock.
Everything in the universe reflects light. Except black holes. Only things you cannot see do not reflect light.
Dark matter
this one could go troll or dumbass, hard to tell
Probably started as a troll and picked up by dumbasses. Like the Flat Earth Society.
Jesus people are dumb.
First time I hear them being referred to as “Jesus people”
Well I guess there was an implied comma but this works too I guess. 🤣
It’s particularly choice that the reader-added context uses
Wait, as far as I understand, this is a wikipedia page for severely Learning disabled people? Great, since I know a lot of idiots.
It’s for children, people with learning difficulties, and/or people still learning English.