You mean there’s more of me out there?!
✅ No buffering, music starts instantly
✅ No connection issues
✅ No monthly money drain
✅ No arbitrary access or availability revocation
❌ No immediate access to any song I want to hear, but
✅ I’m patient
It’s been more than 25 years of accumulating mp3, editing and cleaning my libraries, upgrading to flac, etc. Now going strong at around 600gb of music.
I’m surprised more folks on here don’t like FLAC… it fits better 😉
You cant stream it on data connection without obliterating your data cap and battery.
You cant simply load FLACs onto your phone it kills the free storage in the blink of an eye. Try loading 1000 FLACs vs MP3s.
And moreover, there is a debatable gain or quality when you are on mobile with mobile gears/earphones.
MP3s fit in the middle of all restrictions.
I like FLACs, of course, but I can see why people just prefer MP3s
I just don’t hear any difference between ~200kbps VBR mp3 and flac. If you manage a large library, 10x smaller matters a lot, it’s faster to transfer, easier to share on the web, space still costs money.
Is there any piece of software that can help a degenerate like me fix my MP3 collection to not be such a fucking messy nightmare? Paid or free doesn’t matter to me.
Mp3tag is great if you don’t mind manually editing. I’ve used it plenty of times, specifically for OC audio