All TV series are released on physical disc after one year (the creator of the show can choose a smaller amount of time if they want, but never longer). After one year it MUST BE on disc.
Blu-ray Disc at a minimum. Can choose 4k if the creator of the show wants. Can do both.
Federal penalties if the show is cancelled early.
All devices that require an always on connection, must have a patch to allow the device to work if the server is ever pulled offline.
Subscription based services must provide an actual benefit. Not a “well the company wants more money so they’re just going to create a subscription service”… looking at the companies that make heated steering wheels in cars subscription based.
TV series now have 25 episodes a season.
Five season minimum.
All TV series are released on physical disc after one year (the creator of the show can choose a smaller amount of time if they want, but never longer). After one year it MUST BE on disc.
Blu-ray Disc at a minimum. Can choose 4k if the creator of the show wants. Can do both.
Federal penalties if the show is cancelled early.
All devices that require an always on connection, must have a patch to allow the device to work if the server is ever pulled offline.
Subscription based services must provide an actual benefit. Not a “well the company wants more money so they’re just going to create a subscription service”… looking at the companies that make heated steering wheels in cars subscription based.