“fastfouriertransfem” is a great username
In German and Dutch it’s way worse: “Säugetier” and “zoogdier”. Both can roughly be translated to “sucking animals”. I was taught in school that it’s called that because babies suck on the mother’s breasts to be fed and this is a unique trait to mammals. So in conclusion, we all suck.
I’ve always thought my defining characteristic was my nipples.
In polish mammals = ssaki, and ssaki = suckers
Just wait till you know the etymology of mastodon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon
Edit to save a click: "A mastodon, (from Ancient Greek μαστός (mastós), meaning “breast, and ὀδούς (odoús) “tooth”)”
Edit 2: the “mast” in “mastodon” is the same one as in “mastectomy”
Mastodons are considered to have had a predominantly browsing-based diet
"A mastodon, (from Ancient Greek μαστός (mastós), meaning “breast, and ὀδούς (odoús) “tooth”)”
Ackshully, “galaxy” (or rather, “galaxias”) means “Milky Way” already, it’s just a translation. It was less ambiguous when the only galaxy we could see was the Milky lights that covered a lot of our sky.
Of course, we realize there’s more than one galaxy now, so the meanings have diverged.
And we didn’t realize there was more than one galaxy until the 1920s (I think?)
We didn’t even suspect?
There are people alive today who will tell you the moon is a hologram. Never respect human intelligence more than you have to.
May I suggest reading Carl Sagan’s Cosmos? Or watch one of the TV shows.
While your average human is about as smart as a brick, there are so many minds throughout history that were able to pull humanity out of our dark caves and into space.
What we need, to survive as a species, is to nurture people, give them (proper) education, and more will come up.
Just looking at them, they appear fairly similar to nebulas within our own galaxy. It took sophisticated spectroscopic measurements to realize they’re actually much further away.
Thanks, and now I know the difference between a nebula and a galaxy.
I had to scroll back in my saved posts to a million years ago to resurrect this.
Thanks for surfacing this one, it’s always fun to get the older perspective and realising they’re very human.
My son just called it “the tittieverse” and now I hate ALL of you.
This new naming scheme sounds like a great contribution to societitty.
And then she breasted boobily down the stairs.
To be fair, tits are pretty awesome.
Even heterosexual females enjoy a nice pair of boobies.
And the smaller the better.
I’m not picky.
( @ )( @ )
I’m okay with that.
We, the titty creatures of breastspace, approve
If y’all could please direct me to the thighs and calves galaxies I’ll be on my way. I enjoy boobs as do most humans, but I am a legs man.
So as a cock and balls man, where do I go?
Probably somewhere around Uranus?
We should rename it as Urectum to end that stupid joke once and for all.
You know what, take your upvote and get out of here!
You’re probably gonna want the Meathook/Cobra galaxy or the Gaia Sausage.
I’m afraid the Cigar galaxy is just a cigar galaxy.
You’re a leg man? Get out of here… the Andromeda galaxy is that way —>