These are propaganda coups for the Russians. They’re dragging anchors and getting away with it.
Can’t EU countries block Russian vessels navigating the Baltic sea?
To access the Baltic sea from the North sea any ship must cross the Danish straits. Same question.
It gives the impression they’re winning and makes the EU and NATO look weak.
Accidentally sinking them is a good start. Whoops
Place sea mines defending the cables. Post maps for civilian ships to keep out of the mine zones. Anyone goes near the cables anyway? Well, you were warned.
Russia shot down a plane with EU citizens on board who died…
EU and NATO tucked their dicks and went back to jerking off in the corner while Russia proceeded with its Ukraine incursions.
EU are pathetic cucks and NATO lost its leader.
Russian vessels could accidentally sink. I heard these are not in a very good condition.
However, that wouldn’t be good for the fragile ecosystem in the Baltic sea.
What about they sink in the port, in Mediterranean, and other places? Only by accident of course.
In Petersburg, blocking the entire access, ideally.
The EU doesn’t want to be at war with Russia.
Russia also should really not want to be at war with the EU, but as you noticed, they don’t seem to care much about what they should do. If they fuck around enough, they may find out, but they are betting they won’t.
It’s too late for that. They have no choice. They need to defend their continent.