I’m cautiously optimistic for this one.
Very, very cautiously. It looks better than previous games on Switch, but still not good. On the other hand: maybe they are showing this footage from a Switch 2.
I enjoyed Legends Arceus despite its performance issues. Looks like they fleshed out a lot of what made Arceus fun so I’m optimistic. Also very interested to see what they do with the alt starter third evos. Loved Totodile back in Silver so I think I already know which one I’ll go with.
Arceus ran like butter compared to ScarVio D:
Yeah those games were unplayable trash imo
Full agree. My partner wanted to preorder the two pack so we did. I played for like… ten minutes and said “fuck this” hahaha
The charater models are fine but the environment, buildings look like a ps2 game.
I dream of this battle system years ago after playing Tales of Berseria, hopefully it won’t disappoint. They also extend the battle system to go beyond 1v1 or 2v2 huh, you can 1v3 wild poke. Now i do wonder what will happen to their mainline, people definitely gonna want more of this than the traditional pokemon battle.
I hope this is still early in development. You can’t have a game set exclusively in a city where buildings look like that.
Judging by the last Pokemon game, this is probably close to how it’s going to look. On the bright side, it will probably look a whole lot better on the Switch 2.
I’m guessing the wild zones are meant to be there to help shake things up. i’m still cautious about it though because there’s only so many variations i feel like you could do with the concept of “city”
The style of the world and the Pokémon/character doesn’t mesh well.
Why go for detailed realism if simple cartoon would be a better choice?
detailed realism
Did we watch different trailers? lmao
Not saying they archived it. Just that they go in that direction.
Edit: I am talking about the textures for stone walls and the likes.