That idiot should be neutered. He’s contaminating the gene pool
Should have an hours spent with kids timer
Too easy: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
Small edit: since elon is an immigrant-hating immigrant, you should probably refer to the kids as “anchor babies”
The mistake that everyone keeps making is assuming that when they say “traditional family” they mean the “husband, wife, and 2.5 kids” nuclear family. That’s not what they want. They are looking at an older tradition. They want slaves and concubines back.
yeah but those women also actively engaged in a relationship with the Worlds Biggest Asshole to the point of having a children with The Worlds Biggest Asshole—good road map for initial big sharp drop rig contraption testers; just sayin.
actually almost all of his "children"are done through IVF/surrogacy, he has a fetish with breeding so its like incubators for him
This grosses me out the most. He isn’t even having romantic relationships with the mothers where a spell of passion ends up with children. No, in a few cases, he literal went up to his own employees offering to pay them to be single mothers for his own demonic ego.
Wow, I didn’t think it was going to be possible for me to have less respect for, or more grossed by, the guy doing Nazi salutes on tv… but yet, here we are. These people are so fucking weird…
He’s a gross perversion of eugenics, he’s quite obsessed with it. I always point out that’s he’s the alien in the second species movie. The alien infected human and wanted to fill the earth with his progeny
I honestly think I would be less grossed out of he was an actual alien, and not just some weirdo super rich illegal alien dropping anchors babies.
this should’ve been made by someone who has seen a diagram before
I just want to know who put anonymity bars over the sunglasses!
Looks like Elon used a random name generator in a MMORPG to name his kids
I’m laughing so hard at unnamed, techno, exa and strider.
I see Azure. Where’s AWS? Oracle? Alibaba?
Vercel could be a great name or maybe ECMAScript-TC39 Junior
Idk where X is
The one he’s been using as a human shield lately is literally named X. Somebody called him Xevlar a couple days ago which is pretty funny.
The other guy in the oval office cheated on all three of his wives, and paid off at least one of his mistresses in an attempt to keep her quiet, so…
These aren’t just family values, no sir, these are discount family values! Think of the savings!
Please stop letting him name human beings
Those names would be animal cruelty too
I actually love the name “techno mechanicus”. The others are just weird, but I find that one laugh out loud hilarious.
Don’t forget muskrat’s own dad had 2 kids with his own stepdaughter.
That’s some fucked up Woody Allen level of ick.
What kind of mother lets him set those names? Even without knowing who the father is they are going to get bullied at school…
The kind of mother willing to have a kid with Muskrat
It’s weird how one can be such an incel yet also a philanderer, but then again, the fact that some are employees suggests a bit of a power dynamic abuse. If an incel rapes someone, they’re still an “involuntary celerate”
A very rich incel.
Those names CANNOT be real
12 and 13 are lucky to not have names.
Oh they have names, they’re just unspeakable by human tongue.
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
The way his daughter speaks of him makes me think he’s a psychopath. He is emotionless and dead inside, he’s a broken human.
absolute power (& wealth) corrupts absolutely
Incorrect. Those that are corrupt desires and seek absolute power & wealth more than an normal person. We have a few people in history who did had absolute power & wealth and uses it to great benefit for his people.
don’t tell me the names are real. I know about the X AE kid but the others, seriously? This is the dumbest possible timeline
that’s because grimes is also dumb as a rock. so is anyone who willingly marries an unfuckable troglodyte